Research on Cognitive Stimulation Through Activity for Dementia
MAKS Alzheimer Activities Therapy
The research was conducted by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. 61 dementia patients in nursing homes took either their regular treatment for dementia, or took their regular treatment in addition to doing "MAKS" therapy for two hours a day, six days a week. Everyone did their assigned therapies for one year.
The MAKS group therapy sessions included: motor stimulation (M), such as bowling and balance exercises; activities of daily living (A), like making snacks and gardening; cognitive stimulation (K), including puzzles; and a spiritual element, where the group discussed happiness or singing a song.
Cochrane Research Review of Cognitive Stimulation Exercises for Dementia Patients
Research on Alzheimer's Activities on Quality of Life
Activities can promote self-esteem, enhance quality of life, and minimize mental decline. - Brooker , D. J. , & Woolley , R. J. (2007). Enriching opportunities for people living with dementia: The development of a blueprint for a sustainable activity-based model . Aging & Mental Health , 11 , 371 – 383.