Do You See Me? (full poem below)

Hello my name is... Wait what did you just ask?
I’m not sure what to say right now, It’s such a painful task.
I’m not sure what to say right now, It’s such a painful task.
I remember I was raised by mom, Cause dad left when I was two.
But remembering both my daughters names, I just can’t seem to do.
Now every day I wake up, And don’t know where I’ve been.
I want to reach and cry for help, But don’t know how to begin.
And now it’s time to shower, How does that go again?
I want to shed a tear and cry, Now how do I begin?
Give me a minute and let me try, To figure out this task.
Hey wait that’s cold and close the door, Why should I have to ask?
I sit and wait I’m not sure why, No one understands,
I need to leave and make it home, My families in demand.
I’m tired as this day drags on, What’s in front of me?
It looks like a plate of pudding, As far as I can see.
Am I suppose to eat this, What is this on my plate,
What happened to my normal food? Please I don’t want to hate.
So if I’m angry or disgruntled, Please try and understand.
I don’t mean any disrespect, I’m confused it’s not my plan.
I ask for understanding, Patience if you may.
To bear with my afflicted state, It changes every day.
But it doesn’t mean I don’t need love, And care straight from the heart.
I’ll do my best to keep my end, And hope you’ll do your part.
Author: Sonny Gonzalez