Baking Bread Activity - Mental, Physical, & Sensory Stimulation for Dementia
- Those with milder cognitive loss can help with measuring ingredients. Just monitor that they use the correct measuring spoon and ingredient (ex. salt vs. sugar). You might give the person only the correct measuring spoon and the correct ingredient, one at a time, to simplify the task. This is a great way to use mental abilities that remain.
- Running the mixer should be supervised for safety, but it may be a enjoyed by someone who previously did mechanical type work - a great way to get men involved.
- Kneading the bread dough is great for those with moderate cognitive loss. It is a very repetitive, hands-on, physical task, which matches the abilities of folks at this level. Just make sure hands are washed well first and help with keeping hands floured to avoid sticking.
- Peeking into the bowl to watch the bread dough rise provides opportunity for conversation for people at all levels.
- Do you like homemade bread?
- Have you made it before? Did your family make it?
- What do you like to put on your bread?
- The sensory wonderfulness (probably not a word!), comes after the bread comes out of the oven. Smelling the wonderful aroma. Feeling the warm bread. Tasting fresh bread. This again, can be enjoyed by people at all levels of cognitive loss.
Give this No-Time Bread recipe a try and let us know how it works for you!