Early Stage Dementia
- Provide a bag and rake for raking leaves. Re-direct, as needed, to keep the person on task.
- Prune overgrown bushes by bringing the person to the bush and instructing in what to do. Supervise the person for safety and to prevent over-pruning.
- Help the person plant spring-blooming bulbs by giving step by step directions and providing the needed tools.
- Weather too cold or rainy to get out? Offer our Raking or Garden jigsaw puzzle to complete instead.
Middle Stage Dementia
- Demonstrate and tell the person how to rake leaves. Raking might be random and repetivite, but that is okay.
- Help the person lay down mulch around plants that need protection over the winter.
- Show the person weeds to pull, to eliminate more weeds in the spring. You may need to provide step by step, continual directions - or if you help weed, the person may watch you and follow suit.
- Weather too cold or rainy to get out? Offer a Flower jigsaw puzzle instead.
Late Stage Dementia
- Provide fall flowers, such as mums to look at and smell
- Allow the person to see, smell, and feel brightly colored fall leaves, with supervision.
Shop our fall themed, large piece puzzles for dementia below.